Fire doors are an important part of everyday life within many different types of buildings. One area of life where there is an important requirement of correct fire door installation is within the commercial sector. Fire doors in commercial properties, provide a vital function in that they protect the people that are working in those properties, any customers and suppliers that are present, but also the goods that are stored and sold there. Fire doors, therefore, provide the safety net of protecting the profits of a company that could be devastated by fire.
Within commercial properties there are a few different fire safety regulations to adhere to, so it is important to understand these as a business owner. The Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order: 2005, or the RRO or FSO as it is commonly known, sets out the fire safety standards that you must comply with as a business owner. This includes a provision for a certain standard of fire doors that provide resistance to fire and smoke for a sustained period of time.
The idea, as with fire doors in any setting, is to provide enough time for a safe escape to be conducted for any persons on site should a fire break out in a building. The financial concerns of a commercial venture should never be the priority when escaping a fire, but the strength of a fire door in preventing complete destruction of a business premises and all assets helps to bring peace of mind to a business owner.
Fire doors play an important role in preventing the spread of fire and smoke, but they also provide that safety net of a safe escape route for those trapped inside a burning building. It is important to ensure that your business premises are fitted with the correct type of fire-resistant door, but that they are also maintained to a high standard and not blocked in any way. Any reason for a fire door to be propped open could have disastrous consequences, as a fire can spread incredibly quickly, causing destruction to a building, its inhabitants, and any items inside the building.
There are different types of fire doors, with the most common being FD30 or FD60, indicating the number of minutes that each door can withstand an attack from fire and smoke. Depending on the type of commercial premises you have, and the number of people in the building at any given time, there will be cause to choose certain types of fire door. As a business owner it is your responsibility to ensure that you choose the right fire door for a commercial property and that your staff, customers, and suppliers are kept safe from harm at all times.
Minimising the risk of injury due to fire is achievable with the installation of fire doors for commercial properties. This helps to keep people safe from harm, prevents fire from quickly spreading through a building, and also maintains the safety of your physical assets.