You have cleaned and arranged your home for sale. However, a few weeks later, no prospects are forthcoming. Most probably, you might have forgotten something.

Here are some of the aspects you might not have looked into;

  • Decluttering closets and cabinets

Most homeowners tend only to clean the more visible home areas. They will concentrate on the desks and other surfaces for the cleanup, then neglect the hidden places like cabinets and closets.

During a home tour, prospective homebuyers are interested in all the areas of the house. They are likely to look in your kitchen cabinet, closets, and drawers to ascertain home storage abilities.

Cluttered spaces show the home has smaller storage which is unattractive to buyers. Declutter and organize everything on the cabinet and other storage space.

  • Replacing bulbs

Most homeowners never replace bulbs except when one blows off. The bulbs, over time, collect dust and might not look the brightest. You are likely to forget to change the bulbs as it seems the normal thing to do.

A buyer needs a well-lit house that can only be achieved through clean bulbs. Walkthrough the various rooms to ascertain you change bulbs before putting the house up for sale. Do not take chances given the daylight masks bulbs use; home viewing can still happen at night.

  • Updating the outdoor space

The exterior space of your house can do wonders for your prospects. A well updated and curated outdoor increases your curb appeal hence high home value. It’s easy to forget to clean the front porches, backyards, and even the entryway.

Working on the home exterior takes time. You need to update the doors, clean the swimming pool, and even hire a professional gardener. Talk to professional real estate agents like Dowen to determine how best to update your home exterior. An outstanding exterior is inviting for prospective home buyers hence higher chances of selling.

  • Taking a video of the home

Selling a house in the past years was an easy task. You only needed to elect a sale signboard for a notification. However, with everyone embracing online sales due to the Coronavirus pandemic, you have to up your game.

If you have been in real estate for some time now, then videos are not your favorite. However, you need to embrace the new digital media. Take videos of the home still videos and several photos. With Google Earth and other applications becoming more concrete, it’s time to fight the competition.

  • Thinking about the small details

Once you have spent preparing your home for sale, it’s easy to forget the little details. Here is the time to beat your competition by including the less considered aspects of the home.

Add some greenery to the home to show the eco touch of the house. Consider including mirrors in the smaller rooms as they create an illusion of larger spaces in darker rooms.

You might also include a rag to enhance the character of your home.

Bottom Line

Gone are the days when selling a house was all about creating boards on the road sides. With most companies venturing online, you need the extra edge for a successful sale.

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